As someone who has worked on a number of large ($1 billion) projects, I am very much looking forward to your next book and have pre-ordered it. The only conclusion I have come to is that all large projects are ultimately political, and that failure to understand and manage the politics results in failure.

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Great news, and I look forward to this new book joining your previous ones on my bookshelf. Well, and reading it too.

I know preorders help authors but I'm trying to support local independent bookstores too, so I'll see if I can do it through one of them.

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Had a chance to recommend this to a Cabinet Minister for their Holiday Reading this week!

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Congratulations, Dan! I'm looking forward to reading it.

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Preordered on amazon.ca. I've been wondering where all the General Leslie Groves have gone.

The next topic reminds me that my 91yo dad, who learned to read by the light of a kerosene lamp in a house without electricity, went on to careers in telephony, radar and transistors. He was no sissy with adapting to new tech.

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Such a nice read to anticipate more long and timely reads to come! Really glad to have made a small contribution to your enterprise Dan! Keep going.

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Thank you, Nobina. The moral support helps, too!

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