Excellent article. Nice to be educated on an early Saturday morning.

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Thank you very much. I learned two things--the etymology of the word Nazi and, shamefully for me since I grew up in San Antonio, the origin of nachos. Who knew that Nazis and nachos had the same root? Fascinating, to me, anyway.

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Have stood confidently at the front of many classes expounding on the origins of the word Nazi, now I will update that story. Fantastically interesting read, thank you.

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I always preferred "rube," though there may be a reference to Rube Goldberg - either way - implicit at least. even he was incapable of designing a government machine that came.close to the wonders of the actual working models - working as they were meant to is still more remarkable. And if the clowns actually get hold of the levers we will all wish for these wonderful good old days of wondering where the money went, if it was even ever there. Add to the glossary if you want with footnotes as necessary. And I'm all for donating to Wickipedia but weren't they responsible for tanking the meticulously researchedand fact checked Britannica - using well paid professionals? Back in the day Wicki used free labour and proved people are first and.doremost cheap. now they cry that they need us to pay for this crappies product. Next the CEO and the board will sell for a few billion dollars, probably to Elon using government grants and we've all been rubed. Makes it a good weekend to watch "Idiocracy" again. Alas, not yet on 4K but it's probably downloadable for free from somewhere. Glad you survived the covid.

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Dec 16, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023

Unwise to dismiss your neighbours who have the same vote as you as "deplorables," too. Pluralism is harder for some people than others to wrap their heads around.

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Brilliant article. Almost no one knew this, it is original, it is written very clearly and with a delightful pace. was going to say dog waking pace; but my two terriers offer no such analogy; between the boy having to mark every tree or examine all urine deposits and the girl who believes every human, squirrel or dog must be greeted with all the passion of a mother seeing her son coming home from war . . . it would. be an inappropriate analogy.

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NP, this will be my last comment with anything political:


Runaway inflation, jobs loss in the private sector

4.7% decline in real wages across all sectors (bidens own bureau of labor...)

Real disposable income down 7.5%

Credit card debt up 36.2%

Monthly savings down 81.4%

19.1% increase in CPI

Gas prices increased 50.3%

Grocery prices increased 20%

Mortgage rates up to 7.15%, from under 3% when Trump was President.

The average American family of four is paying $13,717 MORE for the same goods and services per year, than when Trump was President.

Flour, up 35.1%

Baby food/formula, up28.9%

Bread, up 26.1%

Meat, up 24%

Electricty, up 23.7%

Airfare, up 20.8%

Vehicle insurance, up 38.2%

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"There are so many clowns in the news these days. Angry clowns. Strident clowns. Clowns who want to make others as bitter and hateful as they are. These clowns bellow their ignorance and strut their incompetence and stumble about like they are wearing makeup and giant red shoes. Any reasonable person who sees them for what they are must laugh. I know I do. Often."

About the most perfect description of Joe Biden I've ever seen...

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First they came for the Nazis

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Nazi

Then they came for the Antisemites

And I did not speak out

Because I was not an Antisemite

Then they came for Hamas

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Great article. will forward. A former neighbour of ours was born and raised in Swastika, Ont. I was surprised to find the name still stands for a small area in Kirkland Lake. Of course that graphic was used long before what we came to know as Nazis, I am given to understand.

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Thanks for the history of the overused word "Nazi" - I've been called a Nazi by a racist White Supremacist elitist who signed the stupid "ban Nazis" letter. Oh, the irony and hypocrisy!

As for Ignacio and Nacho, the few Ignacios I grew up with were never called Nacho - that must be a Mexican thing (I'm Cuban) unlike José which are sometimes called Pepe (don't know why). Would you consider writing about the word "fascism" since it's also been overused? It's fascinating to watch the psyops created by the puppets in the media, where fake news begins and spreads like a California manmade wildfire. Thanks again for your time and efforts.

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Thanks for this. I'd forgotten the history.

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This is really interesting and informative. Thank you. I did not know that Nazi was the diminutive of Ignace in Bavarian German, makes me think of Putzi Hanfstaengl, totally makes sense. In thinking about it, I acknowledge not ever hearing the word Nazi used by Nazis as a self-description, I have always seen the self-description as National Socialist. Agree that the use of the word Nazi always seem to have been a description from the outside, and originally possibly as an insult, a la Cletus. Great article overall, including the comment about the current Clown World, although I strongly suspect we would disagree about who the Clowns are.

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No comparison. The Libs are far superior to meeting the wide-range of issues facing Canadians then CONs could ever hope to master. They have nothing of substance or nation-building to offer. I am not a blind Lib supporter. I have no party affiliations.

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Very interesting article. I have no doubt in my mind that the CPC could well form a government. They are lead by extremists who could change this country dramatically. But, they still are clowns, IMO.

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This is a very interesting article. Thank you!

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