Really great article. Clear thought behind it. Personally, I'm not into Zuckerberg's Metaverse at all, so I'll be no help for his success/future progress.

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Ok, your last two articles put me over the top...paid subscriber now

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

Great stories and a good point. Years ago i had a 20-peraon meeting at my houze and someone left their sweater behind. No-one could id the owner. I picked ir up, brought the armpit to my nose and said without thinking "It's Aiden!". My nose knew who it was. This is one of the many gifts of face to face communication

Wr evolved as sensing beings for a reason. The worst curse of the pandemic - not to forget miserable covid itself - is the breakdown in community.

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Thank you. Insightful. Before filing for posterity, consider two typos:

* avatars without the apostrophe (unless in the original pronouncement).

* income is nosediving (for incoming if nosediving)

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