I appreciate the lessons set out in this article and look forward to reading your book to have the ideas fleshed out more fully. I wonder if the book also considers the risk of over-planning. I recognize the strong tendency you describe to jump in to solve a problem immediately without fully scoping out what our real goals might be and thus, in essence, moving forward to do more of what we have always done. However, I have also seen instances where projects get overwhelmed by a need to collect yet more data, or to look at more factors which objectively have little bearing in the ultimate success of the project. I suppose that this problem could relate back as well to the very point you have highlighted - namely that the project leads did not spend enough time at the outset determining what their real objectives and measures of success were.

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Hi Rene, super question, but may I ask you to post it over at this thread: https://dgardner.substack.com/p/comments-on-how-big-things-get-done/comments I'm hoping all the questions, comments, observations, etc, arising from the book can all play out there and we can get some good conversations going. Dan

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"Slow down" can be great advice even for relatively modest projects, such a software enhancement that takes only a couple of days to implement. As a very senior (read "old") software person, my competitive advantage over my younger colleagues whose minds work intrinsically faster is that I am slower and more careful in planning out, implementing, and testing at each stage my code updates. The result is an implementation velocity at least as fast as theirs, with less rework.

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Dan -- I'm listening to the book now. It's great! My wife is about to start and I am recommending it to the post-docs and other trainees in our program.

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This has quickly become the book I’ve most recommended to people. I hope sales (and future projects!) reflect that.

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Very much appreciated. For all our technology and platforms, the supreme marketing vehicle remains one person saying to another, "hey, you should read..."

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Ordered my copy today and looking forward to reading it.....with or without graffiti , congrats on the release!

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WYSIATI has a pronunciation! I didn’t realize.

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I heard it from Kahenman's own lips, so it's gospel.

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