I wonder if this time magic works primarily when we find no emotional, political of ideological animus inherent in the object. You have written several times about how we deal with monuments (here is another article on this topic which I saw today - https://www.altaonline.com/dispatches/a43829471/gary-kamiya-public-monuments-racial-justice/). If tomorrow someone excavated a site somewhere in Spain or Italy to discover tiles, furniture or other artefacts (or even a turd) belonging to Columbus, I suspect that the response would be more mixed. Some would see all of it valuable because of the time magic, while others would no doubt claim they were not worthy of attention.

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Another sad reminder that my BJ40 Land Cruiser which I sold to a kid in Lake Cowichan for $3200 in 1993 is now worth $25,000. It wasn’t a turd.

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I feel ya. I bought a used mini Austin in 1979 for $150. I rebuilt it, drove it for 2 years and sold it for $650. Recently I saw a couple of minis of the same vintage that had been rebuilt. They were asking $25,000 for each of them!

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If you visit King Edward VI School in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, you'll see a room full of oak desks covered with centuries-old graffiti made by bored students.

I got into trouble for doing that in high school - and I was just using a pen, not a penknife!

But that was nothing compared to the trouble I'd get into if I attempted to erase any of my equally delinquent predecessors' marks at King Edward VI School.

Time, baby!

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Very entertaining yet thought-provoking. One of my favorite articles of yours.

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Really interesting. Never put the two together; turd and time.

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