I wish I had written this or at least had the opportunity to use this in my classes. You have more than gratified and impressed this former history teacher and for that I thank you!

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Marvellous. The best sort of compliment. Thank you.

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Historical context IS everything, not just for historians. Think Tchaikovsky, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci .... on and on ..... mumble mumble

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Moral dilemmas, who has not had them? Bayard and Martin formed the Southern Christian Leadership Convention while Martin was a pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church as well as on the Executive of the NAACP. They would have worked closely together.

His advice to a young man while segregation and homosexuality were prohibited by law was possible a kind way of sheltering the lad from social approbation. Martin grew up in a secure family and neighborhood. The same cannot be assumed for the young man. Who at 29 years old would advise another to be exposed to violence?

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Thankyou! I wish all of the visitors to our museum, had read this article, before they stepped over our threshold. The problem with most is innocence of history in general. I’m sure that every generation is served a different version. The trick is to hook them into asking more questions, that eventually put them into the shoes of the time.

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Horse Feathers! Suggesting the young man see a shrink is no a declaration of sickness, but an effort to help the young man take a more realistic look at his desires. Dr King did the right thing for those days as well as these days. Who really knows where the feelings come from or when they begin.

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And what about Canada's first Prime Minister? The list goes long of the use of presentism to denigrate many historical figures important to Canada's being.

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