My observation about your ideologically captured behaviour requires expansion? Everything I’ve written is on display in what you wrote. It was an entertaining and interestingly analytical look at economics that was marred by your ideologically captured diatribe on behalf of your political preference. That’s when you left intellectual honesty for a captured belief system consistently displayed by much of the disconnected coastal media. When you write of sharp divisions you fail to recognize yourself as a core part of the problem. Biden as saviour? Trump as Hitler? Gee, that’s responsible opinion writing..... for one side of a propaganda war. Honest journalism would examine records in a comparative manner. Instead you steadfastly deny what you’re doing as you do it and keep demanding I appeal to other/higher authority when I opine on what you’re doing in an artful avoidance of self awareness.

The psychology that drives that consistently engages my curiosity. Thank you

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That was a fun read. The century-spaced parallels have been fascinating me since 2019.

I’m always impressed by the blindness of both political extremes sitting in their silos, and you demonstrate yours well in a couple of places..... appearing mostly that of the disconnected-from-the-real-economy laptop class.

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A great piece. I’m currently reading Skidelsky’s biography of Keynes, and I’m right at 1923/24 ... tremendous uncertainty as to what to do, what was to come

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Great read. These are historical bumps in the road we need to be reminded of when sighing our longing for the good ol’ days, and a reminder that even when ´good,’ they were also bad and just as uncertain and the times we find ourselves in. It reminds me that persons change but people don’t, tho they morph and meld like a school of fish.

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Now I'm worried you jinxed it.

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The whole thing you wrote is YOUR OPINION about some events. What is it about you laptop people that any opinion that isn’t your opinion is “just an opinion”? I told you at the outset that it was an entertaining read. I’m sure THAT opinion of mine was valid because it agreed with your own.

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Patrick Coburn makes a better argument and he knows this stuff way better than I (it's MBS not RMB) and really, for all the good we can do optimism is still free.

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I prefer Patrick Cockburn's take on things. He doesn't talk about the year to come but the decade we're in. And he compares it not to it's numerical equivalent but the 1930s which called at the time "The Devil's Decade." I think we're in for that and a whole lot more. Autocracy is on the rise everywhere, as if the would be tyrants finally have the formula figured out. (The Twilight Zone final season of the original: "He's Alive.") All over Europe, the USA, China, India, Argentina. Germany, sucker-punched by "ally" US blowing up Russia's gas pipelines - following a period of rapid construction of LNG export hubs all along the Gulf coast - is turning right wing itself. So to Brazil, France, Italy, Hungary. Turkey. Saudi Arabia where mere journalists are executed with remarkable ease, still earning RMB a fist-bump from the US president. In Gaza we all watch the equivalent of Auschwitz play out on our TV screens evey night to pretty much a collective shrug, finding excuses for the slaughtering of children. It's not even a good look as we head for the exits. But sure, party on.

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Sorry, your “proof” consisted of your opinions about trumps character that you just piled up and said constitute proof that he’s Hitlerian as well as appeals to your expertise in such matters of history.

That’s a sophistical argument, not factual proof

Oddly everything you ascribe to Trump are actually things that the Biden team has been actively involved in...... weaponized govt agencies, racist policies, gross abuses of civil rights etc.

I know, context right? lol

BTW, remind me of all the Hitler comparisons of trump by the laptop class that came true last time?

Let’s stick with historical facts then, not just your feelings...... and remember, the insurrection thing has been fairly well debunked, just like the “safe and effective” meme and all the others the academy has presented in the last decade.

What are the actual factual events that back up your assertion of Hitler Trump over mine that you’re operating in a silo?

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You’re presenting extremist views about one side of a bilateral situation. I’ve been attempting to have you realize that and engage in a meaningful discussion of the harms that arise from doing so especially more broadly among the class you’re embedded in. I’ve pointed out the evidence of that clearly..... Biden good, Trump literally Hitler 2.0. That’s the evidence for my hypothesis re your extremist positioning.

You give every indication of ideological capture on the subject in your responses and avoidances.

This is an online chat format, not a legal document where I’m going to spend thousands of words presenting and supporting axioms.

As a Canadian as well, I’m impressed by your skating ability.

In ending, I’ll once again point out that I thoroughly enjoyed your take on the historically interesting parallels and was simply jarred by the introduction of an extraneous extremist position

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That’s funny, I actually clip what you wrote and you claim it’s mischaracterized while simultaneously claiming to be ignorant of the meaning of the term “ideologically captured”.

That’s almost a dozen different ways you’ve dismissed an opinion expressed about your public stance. Virtually everything you’ve written is opinion based on opinions..... yet the idea that someone can express an opinion about the postures you present in those opinions is of no validity to you.

I hate to bring up Godwins Law but.....

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Sure. First, thanks again for the dismissal of anothers opinion with your last sentence and trying to make it more highbrow this time.

“But he is at least an ordinary American politician who accepts and supports the American liberal democratic constitutional order. Unlike his opponent.”

.......and Trump is Hitler.....

Got it, you’re not at all ideologically captured.

Pleasure talking with you.

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You laid out my argument and evidence. I was commenting on the evidence you provided.

At the risk of repeating myself, when you ascribe Satanic status to someone for as little actual grounds as those for which you hand saintly status to his rival, you invalidate any claim to intellectual rigor by extension to what are otherwise interesting perspectives.

Neither one is either of those and opinions formed based on those as axioms are no more valid than those from someone decked out in a confederate battle flag and Gadsen hat claiming the Democrats run a pedo ring out of pizza joints has any other opinions not tainted by proximity.

You’re each the obverse of the same coin. You may think it rational to believe and expouse that the Donald is Hitlerian, but let me tell you clearly that the other side of that coin has just as rational an argument that Biden and the Dems are an organized pedo ring.

When both sides have turned it into an irrational team sport with few rules of engagement and no common ground, neither side sounds sane.

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“That” came from this and other conversations where valid opinions that you don’t agree with were raised and dismissed by you using various devices.

The ?? “giant assumptions” ?? you slide to without pointing them out can only be based on your exact words and tone.

I’ve made very specific criticism but you are avoiding that with various devices.

I’m assuming (grand assumption?) that you agreed with what I said about the majority of what you wrote and aren’t disagreeing with that unsubstantiated opinion...... just the lack of support for the opinion you refute

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Again thanks for confirming my points. You’re not able to see things beyond your narrow view point in certain contexts so must invalidate a contrary opinion using the devices you do. It wouldn’t matter if I provided 10k words and an extensive bibliography to back my opinion as you would simply sidestep to avoid it and claim your own validation as you continue to do. I could just as easily point out that you provided zero validity to buttress your assertion of the sainted Biden and the demonic Trump..... merely religious-style dogma.

That wasn’t anything relevant to the real point which is how you are blind to the inappropriateness of you doing it at all in the manner you do. It renders invalid all the good writing you did right up to the point where you departed into your ideologically captured political view.

If you don’t understand that what you term “reasoning” is just backfilling after prejudgment of something I can suggest some reading on the subject.

That’s the subject I’m so far unsuccessfully engaging with you. It would be nice for you to actually engage the subject proffered rather than the canards you keep lobbing back.

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BTW I didn’t say you’re wrong, just that you’re siloed on various areas of your opinion

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